The New Vision Action Photograpy

About b.a.d.Vision Action Cameras and Photography

What is badVision?
A wearable, easy to use, mobile Action Camera that doesn't need extra mounting hardware allowing you to stay involved.
Why “badVision”
With a badVision camera you can get a unique true “point of view” (POV). Our own experience before badVision, we noticed a lot of people "playing" towards the camera, resulting in not always capturing the intended experience.
Why “badVision”
Our HD HOTSPOT Wide camera is extremely easy to use. With minimal training anyone can make fun informative videos.
The HOTSPOT series eliminates the need for mounting hardware.... Using the badVision HOTSPOT HD camera is as easy as putting on a pair of glasses! You'll capture the action totally handsfree after starting the camera, allowing you to stay involved with the action for 2-3 hrs.
Why “badVision”
Simply, “Boester and Daughters”.
Reason number two for the name:
Our main camera product is integrated into eyewear, as people grasp the concept, we often hear the exclamation, "Wow! That's BAD! As "bad” can also mean “good or radical” the name has stayed.
Why “badVision”?
The inspiration, I decided to start “bad” Vision in the Fall of 2009, while in the Stanford ECU Recovery Room.
The reason for the medical visit, I was involved in a mountain biking fall while descending at speed. I was launched over my handlebars and landed directly on my head causing a head injury, made worse by the impact and force transfer of using a "brick or box" style Helmet Cam. During my recovery at the hospital I decided that a better “point of view” camera needed to be offered to athletes.
Who enjoys “badVision”
Athletes, Coaches, Parents, Teachers, Law Enforcement, S.W.A.T, Journalist, Travelers, Spectators.
Essentially anyone who would like to record activities for “Work-School-Sport-Play”, While being "Hands-free".
When “badVision” began
“bad” Vision became a company in the Spring of 2010, offering our first Eyewear Camera, known as the HOTSPOT.
We offer two eyewear cameras and one goggle camera with hopes of developing a live feed camera with zoom and a lens that employs a “heads-up” display for the wearer. We are also seeking investors who may also have a vision for... badVision!
Best Wishes,
Mike Boester
Founder and CEO
Montara, CA
Wearable Action Cameras for “School-Work-Sport-Play”

Mike Boester Founder/CEO